Why do we fertilize trees & shrubs? Especially in the urban landscape setting, trees, as well as shrubs and ornamentals are the most valuable asset on the property. Promotes health, vigor, color and growth of landscape species. Simply to mimic the forest floor. Here is an article on the value of trees. Characteristics & Functions of Roots are as follows:
- Three Primary Functions
• acquisition of soil-based resources: water & nutrients
• plant anchorage
• food (carbohydrate) storage - Secondary Functions
• synthesis of growth regulators
• plant propagation
• tubers
• root buds
• suckers
Effect of N on Root : Shoot Ratios Fertilizers (nitrogen) generally stimulates shoot growth more than roots. This results in decreased root : shoot ratios
Question:If soluble (coated) nitrogen sources contribute N faster vs. MU/UF, can they limit root growth; root; shoot ratios?
Bottom Line: Shoots / Roots / Soil / Microorganisms need to be considered as one complex systemAny improvement in root mass / elongation improves their functionality•Anchoring•Water / nutrient uptake•Storage